…with geeks. I think they’re “cute”. Perhaps even slightly adorable.

I was sitting in traffic on my way back to work – one hand thrown carelessly over the front passenger chair and the other propped up behind my head. Up ahead there was a boy, of about 15 years of age – small, thin, brown with short curly, blackish looking hair. A small pair of glasses rested on his nose. He had some papers in his hand. He would look down at them, then back up towards the line of cars waiting for a green light. He raised his head a bit too much, out of habit obviously, and looked down through his glasses. He looked so out of place among the thugs that usually line the streets. He looked…innocent.

And that’s the thing I have with geeks – they’re really good at appearing innocent. And in a good number of cases – they are. They appear so unassuming, so trusting, and so curious. I guess that’s what makes them geeks, their curiosity that drives them to learn about so many things.

As I looked at that boy, I couldn’t help but think: “Oh yea, I use to be like that…when I was 9.”

I like geeks, (the hardcore ones I like from a distance).

Geeks present a different type of person – people who are able to look beyond the surface of the world….and isn’t that one of the most important things in life?